Vegan Kimchi Fries

Please excuse the crappy cell phone photo Every year my friends put together a vegan thanksgiving meal. Most of the people who attend aren’t vegan, but we all love the challenge of making something delicious and vegan. My contribution this year was vegan kimchi fries. I had a non-vegan version at a Japanese restaurant last…

Korean Seafood Pancake

All my pics at work sucked, so here is a pic of four pancakes I took at home. I tried one of these at a fantastic Korean restaurant in Toronto and immediately fell in love. This recipe is a mangling of two recipes, one from Maangchi (my usual go-to for all Korean recipes and quite…

Pan Asian Submarine

I’ve been craving Vietnamese subs, Korean food and vegetarian food lately. What to do? Put them all together in a crazy-delicious sub, of course! Basically everything here is a Vietnamese sub staple, but with Korean kimchi and Chinese egg tofu added. Ingredients: Vietnamese sub Some kimchi, purchased or homemade Pickled daikon radish, purchased or homemade…