Sauteed Red Cabbage

I’ve become a bit obsessed with this vegetable. It’s sweeter and thicker than green cabbage. Plus, it tastes great cooked or raw! Here’s a quick, simple recipe that gives you a mellow and crunchy side dish. Time: 5 minutes prep, about 10-15 minutes cooking.Servings: 3-4 Ingredients: 4 cups of red cabbage, roughly chopped into square-ish…

Sautéed Rapini with Balsamic Reduction

I was inspired by a side dish at DeSoto’s, a very good neighbourhood restaurant. I love rapini and this is quick and very, very tasty. Ingredients 1 bunch rapini, washed, bottom 1/2″ of ends cut. I also separated the larger branches from the main stem for easier eating 6 garlic cloves, minced finely (less if…

Vegan Kimchi Fries

Please excuse the crappy cell phone photo Every year my friends put together a vegan thanksgiving meal. Most of the people who attend aren’t vegan, but we all love the challenge of making something delicious and vegan. My contribution this year was vegan kimchi fries. I had a non-vegan version at a Japanese restaurant last…

Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

  As I say in my bio, my husband is a picky eater. But together (my cooking skills and his inability to cook) we’ve expanded his palate to eat all sorts of things. One of the things that seemed really challenging at first, but was made pretty simple was dark green veggies. Loaded with nutrients…

Salami and Bean salad

Last week I almost exclusively ate salami sandwiches for lunch. It was a mix of laziness and a weird craving I was having. I still had a little left over, and wanted to make something somewhat healthy and easy so here it is: Salami and Bean Salad. Ingredients 1 can mixed beans, drained and rinsed…

Quinoa Salad with Lemon and Soy Dressing

There comes a day every summer where you realize that you really really need to start taking care of yourself. I call it the Day After the Canada Day Long Weekend. This weekend usually involves more booze, bbq and nachos than any one person should be consuming over a three day period. There’s only one…

Spinach and other stuff salad

In an effort to detoxify my body after a bit of a french fry (and let’s face it, booze) binge, I decided to have spinach salad for a few lunches. The great thing about spinach salad is that all you need is a box of baby spinach, some protein, some quinoa (which keeps very well…

Quinoa and Other Stuff Salad

Otherwise known as the “Quinoa and whatever else I have laying around” salad. Quinoa is supposed to be super good for you, so I try to make it as often as I can. Ingredients 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed well 3/4 cup water Any veggies, beans, etc. you have laying around 1 lemon or some…