Pressure Cooker Spicy Oxtail and Chickpea Curry

I just bought a pressure cooker and I LOVE IT. I’ve gone bonkers, trying out all sorts of recipes and even amending my own to suit it. Basically any recipe I have that requires simmering something for hours can go into the pressure cooker and simmer for 30 minutes. So. Oxtail curry. This usually takes…

Spinach and Potato Curry Roti

Potato in curry is one of my favourite things in the world. So the first time I had spinach and potato curry roti, my mind was absolutely blown. Anyway, this is a great spicy lunch for a super cold day. Seriously, Toronto?   I added in peas for some protein, to round out the meal….

Penang Curry Paste

Back in one of my older posts (curry noodle soup), I linked to a recipe for Penang curry paste. It was the wrong one, which I discovered when I made it for a bunch of people. I looked in my handwritten recipe book and found the real one. I’ll be fixing the link, since that…

Fancy Fish Curry

Sorry for the iPhone photo. I don’t always bring the good camera to work This recipe is based on one for Gulai Ikan from Charmaine Solomon’s “The Complete Asian Cookbook.” I was in the mood for an East Asian green curry fish dish (yes, my cravings are just that specific) but I didn’t have all…

Curry noodle soup – Sick at home edition

If you’re truly, horrendously sick, you’ll have to had done some planning before making this. Hopefully you have most of these items in your house, like homemade broth in your freezer, coconut milk in your cupboard, curry paste and noodles. You should also have some vegetables and proteins hanging around in general. And if you’re…

Elaine’s Mom-style Chinese Chicken Curry

I love my mom’s curry. It is amazing. But since I am not my mom, I can only make half-amazing curry, despite following her every direction as she hovers over me in the kitchen. Someday she will bequeath whatever secret she has to amazing curry (it better not be love) and I will be able…